Saturday, February 4, 2012



O'queso, (see what I did there?) we just arrived in Winnipeg, and contrary to my fathers exaduated warning about the weather, I currently need only one coat. That's not to say it's not "cold", it's just not "freeze your face off cold".
Oh look at that, I'm so adult right? Talking about the weather. Sheesh. Oh well, it`s beautiful here; just miles and miles of white- whiteness in any direction you look.
Anyway, shortly after almost stealing some other womans luggage, we met up with a really nice guy. I can't seem to remember his name, and I'm kind of scared to ask him again. If I'm going to be hanging out with these people for the next few weeks, I need to at least pretend I've been paying attention.
We're now on our way to... ok I don't know that either. You all know I'm not one for details. The important part is: we are on our way! I'm not sure if I'm looking foreward to the next few weeks, or just confused. I'm not suuper sure exactly what the housing conditions are going to me like, what the churches'll be like, what kind of stuff I'll have to do, or what the people will be like. Right now I'm just kind of winging it, and I hope that works out, since I have no other backup plans.


I'm confident this trip is going to do wonders for my spiritual life, partially because of the fact that I've been told the ice roads we're supposed to drive on aren't actually fully completely- frozon... The ever growing possibillity of my likelyness to drown in just less than frozon watar is probably just God's hand at work trying to give me a little shove down the slide to a better prayer life- hopefully. There's is always the possibilty that I'm actually going to die, but let's try not to think about that.


Surprisingly, I actually have a few things going on in this respect right now. I'd really like to keep it that way and get like, totally famous and stuff. No, but really, The Ceiling Fan Podcast just released a new episode. That's always fun. Coolest part = I had literally 1 line in the whole thing. No I'm not being sarcastic, I'm actually totally ok with that. I'd much rather listen to something when I don't have to pick apart mistakes and know I was the one that made them.
I actually did make a few mistakes though with that one line. In the end, it ended up being so bad that we didn't even use it. Self esteam + 12pts.
I have been doing more music though. I even did some music in that episode, but it didn't actually work out as well as I wanted it to either. But also in the way of music; I just recently tracked a bunch of guitar, vocal, and bass tracks with my buddies Adamm, Connor, and Tyler for their band Atmosphere's End's demo. It's certainly been an aducational experience. I'm having fun, trying all kinds of new things in the program I've come to know and love (Protools). New EQ'ing stuff, and compression settings, oh such fun!
Sorry, I'll stop now. I'm sure very few people actually care about this boring audio and mixing crap as much as my actual life, which I'm sure there are already very few people care about enough to read this. So if you've made it this far, +15 friend points for you! You're awesome! You also probably have too much time on your hands! So -40 Productive points for you! Go do something productive! Gosh!

I shall blog again when I know more.

(About 20 minutes later)

Sorry, need to jump back on here again because there's something I just can't leave "ublogged".
Remember that guy that I told you about? The one I can't remember the name of? Yeah, I still don't know his name. But the point is: he's awesome.
You know how in tv shows and movies people always make fun of the charactor who starts sharing his life story. Not sure that charactor deserved it after hearing Hewhocannotcurrentlybenamesbyme's life story. He's a reverend, and he's been working hard for this community for years. This man has devoted his life to sharing the gospel with this place. You just tell how much he loves them by the way he talks.
A While ago, he ordained another man (A friend of his I think). He loved the guy and was obviosully really happy to see him taking on this new duty. The thing was, shortly after that the guy somehow got really peaved at the him for no real reason. (I will now be reffering to them as "Steve" (the guy I'm traveling with) and "Not-Steve" (not Steve) to avoid confusion)
Notsteve, decided that just being upset at steve wasn't enough for him, so he began to slander him like crazy. He attacked Steve's very Character. He went door to door speading total lies about him. But what did Steve do? Nothing. He couldn't. As a reverend, Steve was not allowed to argue thie word of another reverend. He didn't try to fight it, he didn't even freak out at Notsteve. Steve is a boss, and probably one of the most humble people I know right now.
After that, Notsteve set up a whole organization to attack Steve's charactor, and destroy all of the work in the community Steve had been devoting his life too. Notsteve is not a boss.. He's not one of my favorite people at all right now. Even after all of this, Steve still didn't even try to go up to the congregation and tell them Notsteve was Lying. After all of this, Steve still loved Notsteve like the brother.
The Lies got worse, and Steve (still wanting to be a bro about it) decided to go by the book for this situation. I don't have my Bible handy right now since I'm cramped up in the back seat of Steve's pickup, but from what I remember, he decided to follow the words of Paul for this problem. Do any of you remember that chapter where he talks about "If a brother has wronged you, you should first go talk to him personally to try to deal with the problem. If that doesn't work, get a friend and throw down some group intervention. Still doesn't work? Go to the Church and address the problem before the congregation. If your bro is still not bein' a bro, kick him out of the church."
Steve followed the Provided steps, but Notsteve didn't respond to anything. When Steve finally reached the final step: "Kick him out of the church" he was still totally cool and still didn't even try to throw him out of the church. Notsteve is still out there destroying Steve's career, but Steve still loves him, and is just trusting in God to do something.
So, quick recap: Steve is super humble, super patient, and such a bro it`s rediculous. I`m officially inspired, so I`m going to go now and be all inspired and stuff.

(I haven't read through this and I have very limited internet, so don't mind the spelling and grammar errors)


  1. Yay, an update!
    Steve really does sound like an awesome guy - and I've been cutting down on my usage of the word "awesome" since it's so missused, but he deserves it. Praying (right along with you) for safety as well as success in this adventure. Keep your bountiful (if non-commmenting) readers posted! :)

    1. The only thing to point out here really is you might want to have used italics on the "suuper" and spelled it the way one would when not emphasizing it aloud.
