Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Music That Fills Up 96.6 Gb of My Hard Drive

Last I checked, my iTunes library sat somewhere around the length of 35 days long. That, plus a few dead files on my music folder add up to exactly 96.6 Gb of audio, taking up approxamately 21.7568 percent of my entire 444 Gb hard drive. That's all well and good, but who cares? Maybe not that many people. In fact, other than the slight chuckle you may have experienced while reading this and thinking about how much of a music nerd I must be, you probably weren't much more amused than if you were listening to my 11th grade english teacher talk about garunds. She was a decent teacher, but Grammar just isn't that interesting. Kind of like my life is about to be. After a summer chalked full of awesomeness (which I'll post about very soon) I'm now back on the road again, where the most interesting thing to do is... analyzing my computer iTunes library and listening habits. Hence, this article.

I've noticed that the music I have, and how I treat it can be broken down into about 5 catagories. The reason I feel it's necesary (or more, at least the way I justify writing an article about files on my computer) is because I think a lot of other people have simillar listening habits, and probably think about this kind of stuff too sometimes. I'm just here to let you know that you're not alone, I think about stupid stuff too. Either that, or I'm the only one who thinks about dumb stuff, and everyone else is normal. Anyway, catagory 1:

The music I love
This is the stuff that I've either just recently found out was totally awesome, and amd now listening to it constantly, or old classic stuff that you just never get tired of. Some of the albums that fit into this catagory for me are "Mmhmm" - Relient K, "The Silever Cord" and "Phoenix" - The Classic Crime, and "This Means War" - Attack Attack. These are all albums that I can pull out just any time of the week, no matter what mood I'm in and listen through them to just get me all happy inside. Likelyhood of any or all of these albums being on my iPod at any given time - 99%

The music that I listen to sometimes, but isn't really my favorite
There are a lot of albums that I own, that I like listening to sometimes, but I just can't digest them on a daily basis. I like to kind of keep them on the shelf for when I'm in the mood, and then ejoy them for what they are. it's sometimes harder listening to music like this though, because then you don't really get a chance to know all the words to the songs and stuff, and end up just not enjoying the listening experience as much. LIkelyhood that any or all of the albums in this catagory being found on my iPod at any given time - 70%

The music that I rarely listen to, but still keep on, because I may want to someday
You know those albums that you buy sometimes just because your friend suggested them to you, but you don't really care about that much? Or that band you went to see play live that one time, and got their album, but they sounded way better live? I do too.. These are the kinds of albums that tend to crowd my iTunes library a lot of times, and I usually overlook them when trying to find something to listen to. Sometimes it's good stuff even, but I'd rather listen to something that I really like. Likelyhood that any or all of the albums that fit in this catagory being found on my iPod at any given time - 30%

The music that I purchased, but haven't listened to yet
I don't know how many people have this problem, but recently I've found myself buying a lot of music. like, a LOT a lot. So much, that I can't even fit all of it on my iPod along with my other music that I already know I really like. So many times, I find myself scrolling through my iTunes library and seeing one of these albums and thinking "Hey, I was going to listen to that someday!". After that thought runs through my head, I generally will go grab my iPod and try to sync it up, only to find that it's already full and I'll have to delete some of the music that I hold so dearly to my heart off of it first before I can put on this new meterial. That generally leads to the heartwrenching, tear droppingly tramatic experience of trying to figure out which music I just need to "let go" of. After a few hours of chewing through my fingernails and crying my eyes out, I can usually find one or 2 albums that I'm willing to set free. Of course, I often then find out that the new music wasn't even that good anyway, and I could have just previewed it on my laptop speakers before commiting it to my pocket. Likelyhood that any or all of the albums that fit in this catagory being found on my iPod at any given time - 50%

The music I actually dispise, but I keep on my computer just to show people how horrible it is
There's a possibility that I'm the only one that does this, but I actually mantain a decent chunk of audio on my computer that I genuinly dispise listening to. Sometimes just because I can't bare parting with it because there's the slice of a possiblity that I may actually like the band someday. Other times because I simply need to keep it so I can show everyone in the world how awful the band is. Unfortunately, a lot of this music turns out to be stuff I made in the past. Likelyhood that any or all of the albums that fit in this catagory being found on my iPod at any given time - 20%

So that's it. That's my music. How do your various libraries compare?
Also, if it concerns anyone, here's a list of the various styles and genres of music that all of the music discussed above fits into (in no specific order).

Progressive hardcore/punk
Punk core
Djent Metal
Ambient core
Progressive Indie
Progressive Folk/Alt Rock
Acid Jazz
Metal / classical
Rap core/crunk
Heavy Rock
Classic Rock
Poetry/Spoken word
Indie Folk
Heavy Electronic
Reggae/heavy rock/rapcore
Easy listening
Childrens Music

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if I could draw such exact lines, but I think my library is similar. The fifth category would be replaced by one for music that I listened to on my portable CD player as a kid, most of which include songs that I might only play nowadays if I was babysitting or in a mood for a blast from the past. Some songs from my childhood have followed me into my present, but most are just there to /be/ there, though I do try to weed out the ones I really never listen to or enjoy.
    Your iTunes library outdoes mine by 33 days. Very impressive. :P
